Club de resumen de audiolibros
Bookey: Explica las ideas del libro más vendido en 30 minutos de audio, texto y mapas mentales 1.El aprendizaje no tiene fin 2.Consiga más en menos tiempo 3.Modo de descarga 4.Inspirar con mapas mentales
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Whimsical Adventures with The Little Prince
JULY 06, 2023
Chapter 1:Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a French writer and aviator. He was born on June 29, 1900, in Lyon, France, and died on July 31, 1944, during a reconnaissance mission over the Mediterranean Sea.&nbsp...
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A Comparative Analysis of Why Nations Fail
JULY 06, 2023
Chapter 1: Why Nations Fail Synopsis The book starts by analyzing the differences between inclusive and extractive institutions. Inclusive institutions, such as property rights, rule of law, and inclusive political systems, encourag...
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El legado de Rebelión en la granja: Del establo a la tiranía
JULY 05, 2023
Capítulo 1: Rebelión en la granja Sinopsis Los animales, liderados por los cerdos (Napoleón y Bola de Nieve), establecen un conjunto de mandamientos llamado "Animalismo", cuyo objetivo es promover la igualdad y oponerse a la tiranía humana...
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